GEMU盖米目前拥有超过40万种阀门及测控组件产品。GEMU盖米自主研发的各类测量,控制和调节组件 性能全球领先。除此之外,GEMU盖米还可以为客户提供个性化系统解决方案,例如生物制药行业中定制的多通道隔膜阀产品。
GEMU盖米的阀门产品在各种行业中得到成功应用,例如在水处理领域:从海水淡化,饮用水处理到注射用水处理 。在化工行业和电子半导体行业GEMU盖米的产品被广泛应用。凭借丰富的经验和专业的产品,GEMU盖米已成为全球阀门产品无菌应用的市场领导者。
1998 年,德国GEMU盖米集团在中国上海设立代表处,后于2000年11月成立GEMU盖米阀门(上海) 有限公司,系GEMU盖米集团独资子公司,并在接下来的几年内相继在北京、广州、成都、沈阳、香港设立分公司并发展大量代理商, 负责各区事务。
GEMU盖米中国2016 年员工总数近200 人,大部分集中在上海总部。在位于北京、广州、成都、沈阳及香港的各销售分公司也配置了专业的销售人员和售后服务人员。
近年来,GEMU盖米集团在全球范围加大投资,有效地扩大了盖米的生产及物流能力,以满足客户的需求及快速发展的阀门市场。在中国,位于上海莘庄工业区的GEMU盖米新工厂已于2015 年正式建成投产,厂房总占地面积约22000 平方米,生产及仓储占地约16000 平方米。GEMU盖米中国新工厂极大提高了盖米中国的生产能力,同时也成为GEMU盖米集团在亚太区的研发、生产销售和物流仓储中心。2017年3月盖米正式更名为:GEMU盖米阀门(中国)有限公司。
GEMU is a leading world-wide manufacturer of valves, automation components and other piping products. GEMU has been manufacturing innovative products and customized solutions in and around the field of process media control since 1964..
The GEMU Group develops and manufactures components and systems for liquids, vapours and gases.
A broad range of products for media control and regulation
With more than 400,000 product versions currently available, the portfolio of metal and plastic measurement, control and regulation components developed in-house is unrivalled worldwide. In addition to this, GEMU offers engineering and manufacturing services for products such as multi-port valve blocks or medical industry products.
Wide range of applications covered
GEMU valve designs and instrumentation are used successfully in a variety of applications, such as in the field of water/waste water treatment. These applications range from sea water desalination, to drinking water treatment and the treatment of Water for Injection water. The company also offers high-grade solutions for distribution and dosing applications in the fields of chemical process technology and microelectronics, as well as the beverage industry. Thanks to its expertise, GEMU is the world market leader for sterile applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Represented locally on all continents
The GEMU Group currently employs over 1600 people worldwide. Personal contacts are available to our customers in more than 50 countries across all continents. Alongside our 27 subsidiaries, we also have long-standing partnerships with our commercial partners and service centres.
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